Support Staff

Blaze(y Boy) Salibindla

aka Cutie Kitty, Blaaaaaaaaze

As the Lion of the house (LOTH), he loves making the dining table his den and the chairs his throne. He has many vulnerabilities, including fist/head bumps and playing ‘feather on a string‘. A special mention to his love for food. He enjoys demonstrating a variety of advanced skills to receive tidbits. He’s a leader in the field - All respect is due. The arrival of guests is one of his life’s greatest joys, basking in the anticipation of treats for his trick shows.

Chilli (Pepper) Salibindla

aka Chilli Pep, Mr. Pepper

A man comprised of many sides, he keeps everyone curiously guessing. He is also the most easily over-stimulated member of the household. After promptly greeting guests at the door to say hello, he prefers to find a safe place to observe the environment. Sargent Pepper is an industry leader in string purr-curement and assessment. Mr. P enjoys snuggling in the least convenient positions - top marks when he can touch multiple humans. He’s slowly gaining an appreciation for treats, receiving them after his co-cat does tricks - “Toss one to the side for the shy guy.”

We look forward to observing how active (or not) the support staff will be in the Moss + Heart daily activities, as they have a strict, self-imposed midday nap from approximately 11am-3pm.